您当前所在位置:首页题库Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?A.Car Crashes —the Top Killer.B.Distracted Driving —Lets Avoid!C.Drunken Driving — erous EnoughD.Tips on Driving While Calling

Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?A.Car Crashes —the Top Killer.B.Distracted Driving —Lets Avoid!C.Drunken Driving — erous EnoughD.Tips on Driving While Calling

更新:2025-02-18 17:29:08编辑:admin归类:题库人气:78


Of all the following, which is the best title for the passage?

A. Car Crashes — the Top Killer.

B. Distracted Driving — Let's Avoid!

C. Drunken Driving — Dangerous Enough!

D. Tips on Driving While Calling


B. Distracted Driving — Let's Avoid!



A选项“Car Crashes — the Top Killer”虽然提到了车祸是主要的杀手,但它没有直接指出车祸的主要原因之一是分心驾驶,因此不够具体。

B选项“Distracted Driving — Let's Avoid!”直接点明了文章的核心议题——分心驾驶,并且用“Let's Avoid!”这样的呼吁句式,既明确了文章的目的(提醒人们避免分心驾驶),也具有一定的吸引力和警示作用。

C选项“Drunken Driving — Dangerous Enough!”虽然提到了另一种危险的驾驶行为——酒驾,但它与假设的文章主题“分心驾驶”不符,因此不是最佳选择。

D选项“Tips on Driving While Calling”虽然涉及到了驾驶时打电话这一分心行为,但它过于狭窄,只关注了打电话这一具体行为,而没有涵盖分心驾驶的其他形式(如吃东西、与乘客过度交谈等),因此也不适合作为整篇文章的标题。

B选项“Distracted Driving — Let's Avoid!”是最能概括文章内容、吸引读者注意且符合文章主题的标题。


always there to listen 怎么理解I know she cares about me because she&039;s always there to listen. 后半句,she&039;s always there to listen. 怎么理解?there to listen这里,什么成分? 在各项都为正数的等比数列中,首项是3,前3项和为21,则a3等于( )A.15B.12C.9D.6


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