您当前所在位置:首页英语课堂英语答疑句子分析 The ministry added it would coordinate with special operations targeting the education sector, loan activities and the circulation of goods and services to prevent gang-related crimes.译文:公安机关将...

句子分析 The ministry added it would coordinate with special operations targeting the education sector, loan activities and the circulation of goods and services to prevent gang-related crimes.译文:公安机关将...

更新:2025-02-15 17:50:13编辑:admin归类:英语答疑人气:143


1. “The ministry”应该翻译为“该部门”,而不是“公安机关”,因为“ministry”在部门中通常指的是某个具体的部门,而不一定特指“公安机关”。

2. “coordinate with special operations targeting the education sector, loan activities and the circulation of goods and services to prevent gang-related crimes”应该翻译为“与教育部门、贷款活动以及商品和服务流通领域开展的专项行动相协调,以防止团伙犯罪”,这样的表述更符合中文表达习惯,也更易于理解。




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