“强求” in English can be translated as \"to insist on\" or \"to force upon,\" but for the context of emphasizing the act of demanding something reluctantly or inappropriately, \"to insist on unreasonably\" or \"to force unwillingly\" might capture the nuance more accurately. However, for simplicity and common usage, \"to insist on\" is often sufficient.
Word Breakdown:
Insist: /ɪnˈsɪst/ - Verb, meaning to persist firmly or stubbornly in maintaining a position, demand, or request.
On: /ɒn/ - Preposition, indicating direction, position, or relation.
Detailed Analysis:
Part of Speech: \"to insist on\" is a phrasal verb, combining a verb (\"insist\") and a preposition (\"on\").
Meaning: It conveys the idea of demanding or persisting with a request, often to the point of being pushy or unreasonable.
Usage: Typically used when someone is being overly persistent or demanding in their requests or positions.
Insist: Derived from the Latin \"insistere,\" meaning \"to stand upon\" or \"to persist.\
On: Old English \"on,\" related to the Proto-Germanic \"ana,\" meaning \"against\" or \"up to.\
Sentence Structure Analysis (Short Phrase):
Phrase: \"to insist on\
Verb (Phrasal): \"insist\" (main verb) + \"on\" (preposition completing the phrasal verb)
Functions as a single unit to express action or state.
Example Sentences:
1. Simple Sentence:
\"He insists on coming with us, even though he's not invited.\
Structure: Subject (\"He\") + Verb Phrase (\"insists on coming\") + Complement Clause (\"even though he's not invited\").
Meaning: The person is demanding to come along, despite not being formally invited.
2. Detailed Context:
\"I can't understand why she insists on finishing all her work by herself, even when she's clearly overwhelmed.\
Structure: Subject (\"I\") + Verb (\"can't understand\") + Clause (\"why she insists on finishing all her work by herself\") + Adverbial Clause (\"even when she's clearly overwhelmed\").
Meaning: The speaker finds it puzzling why someone would persist in doing all their work alone, especially when they're clearly struggling.
These examples illustrate how \"to insist on\" can be used to express the concept of \"强求\" in English, capturing the nuance of demanding something reluctantly or inappropriately.