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抱歉用英语怎么说 cyedu.org

更新:2025-02-14 02:49:25编辑:admin归类:英语答疑人气:370

Translation and Detailed Analysis

Translation: \"Strictly follow the article format for the answer\" can be translated into \"Strictly adhere to the format of the article for the response\".


Strictly: /ˈstrɪktli/

adhere: /ədˈhɪr/

to: /tuː/ /tə/

the: /ðə/ /ðiː/

format: /ˈfɔːrmæt/

of: /ɒv/

the: /ðə/ /ðiː/

article: /ˈɑːtɪkl/

for: /fɔːr/

the: /ðə/ /ðiː/

response: /rɪˈspɒns/


Strictly: From the adjective \"strict\" meaning \"rigidly controlled or governed\" + the adverbial suffix \"-ly\".

Adhere: From Latin \"adhaerere\", meaning \"to stick to\".

Format: From Latin \"formatum\", the past participle of \"formare\", meaning \"to form\".

Response: From Latin \"respondere\", meaning \"to answer\".

Example Sentence

\"Please strictly adhere to the format of the article when submitting your response to the assignment.\


Question: The teacher asked the students to _____ the rules when writing their essays. (follow/strictly adhere to)

Answer: strictly adhere to

Explanation: In this sentence, \"strictly adhere to\" is more precise and formal than simply \"follow\". It emphasizes the importance of strictly observing and conforming to the rules, which aligns with the academic context and the need for precision. Therefore, \"strictly adhere to\" is the correct choice.


—Who______ it be that is knocking at the door? —It ______ be Father, but I’m not sure.A.can; mustB.can; mayC.must; canD.may; must build是什么意思 读音 用法 例句 同义词 反义词 词源 cyedu.org


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