设法用英语怎么说 、详细解析、例名、词源
The corresponding English expression for \"设法\" is \"try to\" or \"attempt to\", though \"manage to\" can also be used in certain contexts. Here's a detailed analysis, pronunciation guide, etymology, and example sentences:
Word: \"try to\" / \"attempt to\" / \"manage to\"
\"try to\": To make an effort or attempt to do something.
\"attempt to\": To make an effort or endeavor to achieve something; a more formal synonym for \"try to\".
\"manage to\": To succeed in doing something despite difficulties or obstacles.
\"try to\": /traɪ tuː/
\"attempt to\": /əˈtɛmpt tuː/
\"manage to\": /ˈmænɪdʒ tuː/
\"try\": From Old French \"trier\" (to select, sift, test), ultimately from Latin \"tritiare\" (to rub, thresh).
\"attempt\": From Middle English \"attempten\", from Old French \"atenter\" (to undertake, attempt), from Latin \"ad-\" (to) + \"tentare\" (to touch, test).
\"manage\": From Italian \"maneggiare\" (to handle, manage), from \"mano\" (hand).
Example Sentences:
1. \"I will try to finish my homework before dinner.\" (/aɪ wɪl traɪ tuː ˈfɪnɪʃ maɪ ˈhəʊmwɜːk bɪˈfɔː dɪnər/)
Here, \"try to\" indicates an effort or intention to complete the homework.
2. \"She attempted to climb the mountain despite the bad weather.\" (/ʃiː əˈtɛmptɪd tuː klaɪm ðə ˈmaʊntn dɪsˈpaɪt ðə bæd ˈweðər/)
In this sentence, \"attempted to\" conveys a more formal attempt at climbing the mountain.
3. \"He managed to solve the problem after hours of effort.\" (/hiː ˈmænɪdʒd tuː sɒlv ðə ˈprɒbləm ˈɑːftər ˈaʊərz ɒv ˈɛfərt/)
Here, \"manage to\" suggests that he succeeded in solving the problem despite the challenges.
In the context of \"设法\", \"try to\" is the most commonly used phrase, as it conveys the general idea of making an effort or attempt to achieve something. \"Attempt to\" is slightly more formal, while \"manage to\" implies a successful outcome despite difficulties. Choose the phrase that best fits the specific context and tone of your sentence.