数学题用英语怎么说 cyedu.org
The mathematical question in English, following the format of the provided article example, could be phrased as:
\"What is the English expression for 'answering a math problem strictly according to the given article format', along with a detailed analysis, phonetic pronunciation, etymology, and an example sentence?\
Now, let's break down each part of this question:
1. English Expression:
The direct translation for \"严按文章示例格式回答数学题\" in English would be \"answering a math problem strictly according to the given article format\". However, this is more of a description than a fixed expression. A more concise way to express it might be \"answering a math question in a specific format\".
2. Detailed Analysis:
This phrase refers to the process of responding to a mathematical question by adhering strictly to a predefined format or structure, similar to how the example provided about \"eraser\" was formatted.
3. Phonetic Pronunciation:
Answering: /ˈænsərɪŋ/
a: /ə/ or /eɪ/ (depending on the accent)
math: /mæθ/
question: /ˈkwestʃən/
in: /ɪn/
a: /ə/ or /eɪ/
specific: /spəˈsɪfɪk/
format: /ˈfɔːrmæt/
4. Etymology:
\"Answering\" comes from the verb \"answer\", which has roots in Old English \"andswar\", meaning \"a response\" or \"reply\".
\"Math\" is an abbreviation for \"mathematics\", derived from the Greek \"mathēma\", meaning \"that which is learnt\".
\"Question\" comes from the Latin \"quaestio\", meaning \"an inquiry\" or \"seeking\".
\"Specific\" originates from the Latin \"specificus\", meaning \"distinct\" or \"particular\".
\"Format\" comes from the Latin \"forma\", meaning \"shape\" or \"appearance\".
5. Example Sentence:
\"When answering a math question in a specific format, it's important to follow the guidelines closely to ensure accuracy and clarity. For instance, I need to provide a detailed analysis, phonetic pronunciation, etymology, and an example sentence just like the article format requires.\
This sentence demonstrates how to use the phrase \"answering a math question in a specific format\" in a context similar to the provided article example.