及时用英语怎么说 cyedu.org
The phrase \"in a timely manner\" or \"promptly\" can be used to express \"及时\" in English. Here's a detailed analysis, pronunciation guide, etymology, and example sentence following the format you provided:
Word/Phrase: \"in a timely manner\" / \"promptly\
\"in a timely manner\": /ɪn ə ˈtaɪmli ˈmænər/
\"promptly\": /ˈprɒmpli/
\"in a timely manner\": The phrase \"in a timely manner\" is derived from the adjective \"timely,\" which means done or occurring at a suitable or appropriate time. The phrase emphasizes the importance of doing something at the right time or without delay.
\"promptly\": The word \"promptly\" comes from the adjective \"prompt,\" which originated from the Latin word \"promptus,\" meaning \"ready, quick.\" It has evolved to signify doing something immediately or without hesitation.
Detailed Explanation:
\"in a timely manner\": This phrase is used to describe actions or responses that are carried out at the appropriate time, without delay, and in a manner that is efficient and effective. It is often used in formal or professional contexts to emphasize the importance of adhering to schedules or deadlines.
\"promptly\": This word is used to describe actions that are performed immediately or without delay. It implies a sense of urgency and efficiency, and is often used in situations where a quick response is expected or required.
Example Sentence:
\"I need you to complete this task in a timely manner so that we can meet the project deadline.\
\"Please respond to my email promptly, as we need to address this issue as soon as possible.\
In the context of your request, if you wanted to say \"Please answer my question in a timely manner,\" you could also say \"Please answer my question promptly.\" Both phrases convey the same meaning of expecting a quick and timely response.