顺序用英语怎么说 、详细解析、例名、词源
The question in English is:
\"Please translate '严格按照文章示例格式回答' into English, and provide a detailed analysis, pronunciation, etymology, example sentence, and finally devise a question with an answer and explanation. The article example is as follows: '橡皮' in English is 'eraser', which can also be written as 'rubber' (but in some contexts, 'rubber' may refer to other items such as the material or a condom, so 'eraser' is more accurate and commonly used). 'Eraser' is a noun used to describe a tool used to erase pencil markings. It is commonly used in schools, offices, and other settings, often in conjunction with pencils. Example sentence: I need to buy a new eraser because mine is worn out. (I need to buy a new eraser because mine has been used up.) In this example, 'eraser' is used as a noun, referring to the eraser that needs to be purchased.\
Detailed Analysis:
\"严格按照文章示例格式回答\" translates to \"Please answer strictly following the article's example format.\
\"Please\": /pliːz/
\"answer\": /ˈænsər/
\"strictly\": /ˈstrɪktli/
\"following\": /ˈfɒləʊɪŋ/
\"the\": /ðə/ or /ðiː/
\"article's\": /ˈɑːtɪklz/
\"example\": /ɪɡˈzɑːmpl/
\"format\": /ˈfɔːrmæt/
\"Please\" comes from the Old French \"plaisir\" meaning \"pleasure,\" used as a polite request.
\"Answer\" is derived from the Old English \"andswar,\" meaning \"a response\" or \"reply.\
\"Strictly\" is from the Latin \"strictus,\" meaning \"tight\" or \"strict.\
\"Following\" is from the Old English \"folgan,\" meaning \"to follow\" or \"obey.\
\"Article\" is from the Latin \"articulus,\" meaning \"a small part\" or \"joint.\
\"Example\" is from the Latin \"exemplum,\" meaning \"model\" or \"sample.\
\"Format\" is from the Latin \"forma,\" meaning \"shape\" or \"form.\
Example Sentence:
\"Please answer the question strictly following the teacher's instructions and format.\
\"The _____ on the table are for decoration. (flower/flowers)\
The correct answer is \"flowers\" because the subject of the sentence is plural, indicated by the plural verb \"are.\" Therefore, the noun \"flower\" should also be in its plural form \"flowers\" to match the subject and verb agreement in the sentence.