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回答用英语怎么说 、详细解析、例名、词源

更新:2025-03-25 21:47:12编辑:admin归类:英语答疑人气:15

\"Please answer strictly following the article format\" can be translated into English as: \"Please respond strictly according to the format provided in the article.\


Please: a polite request or invitation.

respond: to answer or react to something, often in a written or spoken form.

strictly: in a strict manner; rigorously.

according to: as stated by or in agreement with.

format: the way in which something is arranged or organized.


Please: /pliːz/

respond: /rɪˈspɒnd/

strictly: /ˈstrɪktli/

according to: /əˈkɔːdɪŋ tuː/

format: /ˈfɔːmæt/


Please comes from the Old French \"plaisir,\" meaning \"pleasure\" or \"delight,\" used as a polite request.

Respond is derived from the Latin \"respondere,\" meaning \"to answer\" or \"to respond.\

Strictly is from the Latin \"strictus,\" meaning \"tight,\" \"strict,\" or \"rigid.\

According to is a phrase that has been used in English since the Middle Ages, with \"according\" coming from the Old French \"acorder,\" meaning \"to agree.\

Format comes from the Latin \"forma,\" meaning \"shape\" or \"form.\


Please respond strictly according to the format provided in the article when submitting your assignment.


Question: \"The _____ on the table are very tasty.\" (apple/apples)

Answer: apples

解析: 句子中的be动词是“are”,表示复数,所以名词也应该用复数形式“apples”。单个的“apple”是表示一个苹果,而句子中显然指的是桌子上的多个苹果,因此正确答案是“apples”。


单元用英语怎么说 cyedu.org 做家庭作业用英语怎么说 cyedu.org